
A STANWIX nursery school has been rated ‘good’ by OFSTED after an inspection in November.

Leaders and staff at Stanwix community pre-school were praised in the report and manager Becky Clarkson said she was 'delighted' with the OFSTED rating.

"I'm really proud of all the staff and everybody here," she said.

"We have such a small setting here and the staff have created a wonderful home-from-home.

"The staff know the children so well and with it being so small we can work so closely with all of our children."

The report praised echoed manager Ms Clarkson's praise for the staff saying that for many years they have been 'strongly connected' to the pre-school.

"The small staff team work together seamlessly," the report said.

"The well-qualified staff tune in to what children know and enjoy.

"They quickly recognise children's interest in dinosaurs and use this knowledge to enhance their learning.

"The proactive staff seek early help and support for children at the earliest opportunity. They work together with parents and other professionals to target children's care and learning needs most successfully."

The report also said that the relationship between staff and parents is 'superb' and that parents are told about 'every aspect' of their child's progress at the pre-school.

The community element of the preschool was praised in the report and was highlighted by Ms Clarkson.

"We always try to involve the wider community in the pre-school," she said.

"One of our parents is a vet so we've had a dog in and in the past, we've had visits from firefighters and police officers."

"It's how children learn best through special events like these."

The nursery also has a strong charity ethos and organises a series of charity events throughout the year including sponsored walks and coffee mornings.

September 2023
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